FS22! | Beginner's Guide! | How To Setup Your Game! | How To Cultivate! | #CJFarms | #FS22


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  1. So I just got the game after thinking about it for a bit …man its a bit deeper than I imagined it would be, so I am starting your series and taking notes !! Thanks for all the tips … great video!

  2. New follower and complete newbie to this game. Have to say you are my selected choice with a down to earth voice. So my first disastrous attempt was thinking how hard can this be ?. Played it on normal mode where u get 1.5 mill in cash bought a combine harvester?, a tractor and trailer then realised you had to go the shop to collect. So brought each back then looked ok found by accident jobs which I selected to fertilise a field about 4K which obviously was 300 miles away at the far end of the map . Hey ho so took tractor with spray trailer the noticed needed fertiliser yup doesn’t stop there ?. Drove all the way back to the shop ordered a pallet of fertiliser and couldn’t figure out how it it goes into the back. Ahh so must need a fork lift ! So bought that played around until I was comfortable lifted the pallet into the trailer which was not easy as damaged the trailer. Then gave up so here I am.


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