Farm Simulator 22 Steering Wheel Dead-zone Fix & Configuration


Farm Simulator 22 has been released for over a month now and now has native force feed back when using a steering wheel. The issue is, the dead-zone is too high and cause slow wheel repose. In this video, I am going to show you how to access and fix the dead-zone for the steering wheel as well as cover some other settings you my want to adjust.

Logitech G29:
Logitech Shifter:
Farm Simulator 22

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  1. Thank you so much, just got a G29 and that dead zone annoyed the heck out of me, couldn't figure out where to adjust it, your vid solved it. Liked and subscribed, many thanks =)

  2. thanks for helping out with this issue. But in my case, the Farm Sim 22 always set the dead zone back to 14 % when i start the game. I re defined the input bindings xml to all Dead zones 0% and activate the write protection. It doenst matter. When i start the game again, the Deadzones are set to 14% again. I couldnt find any solution on the web for this problem. Thank you for any ideas to fix this. Regards Dan


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