Calmsden Farm Collectibles | Part 4 Sawmill and Vehicle Shop | Farming Simulator 22


Welcome back to part 4 of our quest to find all the collectibles on the new map Calmsden Farms by Oxygendavid for Farming Simulator 22. In this episode we head up to the sawmill for some rooftop adventures then down to the vehicle shop to continue our collection. Thanks for watching and don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe.

Map Coords For All Collectibles:

0:00 Intro
4:00 Violet Tractor
4:40 Azure Cow
5:30 Azure Horse
6:15 Azure Water Trailer
6:45 Azure Trailer
7:35 Azure Harvester and Pig
8:50 Azure Sheep
9:45 Azure Plow and Seeder
10:30 Azure Tractor
11:00 Blue Horse
11:30 Blue Cow
12:30 Lime Tractor
13:45 Green Horse and Cow
14:30 Green Sheep and Harvester
15:45 Green Pig
16:30 Cyan Tractor
17:30 Green Water Trailer and Trailer
18:45 Lime Plow and Green Seeder
19:20 Green Plow
19:45 Green Tractor
20:30 Lime Horse and Cow
21:10 Lime Pig
21:50 Lime Sheep and Trailer
23:00 Lime Seeder, Water Trailer, and Harvester

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