25 Must Have!! Realistic Mods For Farming Simulator 22 (PC ONLY)


In this video, I show 25 of the best realistic mods for farming simulator 22

#FarmingSimulator22 #RealisticModsFS22 #FS22Mods #BestFS22Mods

Mods in this video in order ????

1- Advanced Maintenance –
2 – Air Hose Connect Sound –
3 – Automatic MilkSale –
4 – Rapeseed straw –
5 – Disable Turn Off Motor –
6 – driveDistance Script​ –
7 – Dynamic Field Prices –
8 – Dusty Lands Extension –
9 – Easy Development Controls –
10 – Exhaust Extension –
11 – Guidance Steering –
12 – ProSeed –
13 – Increased Diesel Price –
14 – Manual Refueling –
15 – Realistic Refueling –
16 – Increased Fuel Usage –
17 – Lease To Own –
18 – Manual Attach –
19 – Save Player Position –
20 – Real Dirt Color, Tracks, Particles & Fix –
21 – AI Tire Tracks –
22 – Reduced Engine Braking Force –
23 – Net Wrap & Twine Addon –
24 – Unit conversion BETA –
25 – Precision Farming DLC –

4D Modding –

0:00 Intro
1:12 – Advanced Maintenance
3:19 – Air Hose Connect Sound
4:45 – Automatic MilkSale
6:40 – Rapeseed straw
8:41 – Disable Turn Off Motor
9:55 – driveDistance Script​
12:40 – Dynamic Field Prices
14:14 – Dusty Lands Extension
17:19 – Easy Development Controls
21:26 – Exhaust Extension
23:20 – Guidance Steering
25:46 – ProSeed
27:30 – Increased Diesel Price
28:10 – Manual Refueling
29:10 – Realistic Refueling
29:57 – Increased Fuel Usage
30:53 – Lease To Own
33:27 – Manual Attach
34:45 – Save Player Position
35:41 – Real Dirt Color, Tracks, Particles & Fix
37:19 – AI Tire Tracks
38:22 – Reduced Engine Braking Force
39:46 – Net Wrap & Twine Addon
41:49 – Unit conversion BETA
43:39 – Precision Farming DLC
45:20 4D modding, AMG Modding & Oxy shout out!!



  1. Incredible video thank you so much. Good short descriptions too. couldnt be done better i think. Absolutely amazing mods, just brought my FS22 experience to a huge new level, the Reduced engine braking OMG i cant even wait !! hahaha! So many pet peeves where just killed off haha. Thanks and awesome.

  2. First video of yours I've seen as far as I can remember anyway. Nicely done. My gameplay style has changed as work and time commitments have to be factored in so but I still picked up some good tips from the video.

  3. Im hanging out for the 'Regenerative Agriculture' Mod. This method of Ag is sweeping the globe currently with the new breakthroughs in understanding soil biology. It would focus on increasing Soil Carbon (by having a range of diverse plants growing in the soil at all times, keeeping the soil covered, no tillage no chemicals etc), multispeces plants to feed diverse soil biology to make soil more fertile (research shows a minimum of 4 plant families is best). Multispecies cover cropping (with roller crimping), multispecies cash cropping (including strip tilling, intercropping and relay cropping), then the ability to seperate different seeds after. Integrating grazing animals into cropland (even grazing crops in the early stages and then growing them to a grain crop after that). Planned rotational grazing taking into account grass growth characteristics. Grazing warm season perennial grasses and then direct drilling a cool season cash crop into that pasture while its dormant (over winter) then harvesting that crop and then grazing the grasses again (pasture cropping) etc etc. Modern Ag is so much more interesting than the old techniques of ploughing and moncropping with chemicals as is currently modelled. There is a challenge for someone!

  4. #2 is not realistic those are hydraulic hoses that hook up not air hoses and there is no sound and usually the engine is off to relief the pressure at least thats the way it is at our farm

  5. I really wish there was a mod, that would allow setting up mirrors on any of the tractors. They are totally useless as they just reflect the tractor itself mostly.

  6. With all the dry weather around atm I would love to see a mod where say a field could catch fire or say your combine could catch fire if you didn’t clean it out like in real life

  7. the turn off motor disable mod thingy is also a necessity if you use belts to load things. No idea why they thought it was a good idea to have them disable themselves just because you're not stood watching it lol
    Edit: Number 6 is an odd one, ive never actually seen a tractor with a mile counter before. As far as im aware they all just have hours instead, since its better information considering they might be at high revs for hours and never actually move

  8. hello, I have been a sub for a little while and love the canola straw mod but it does not work and just wanted to ask how do you make it work and thanks for your help

  9. Is there a chance this game would have characters that interact with the controls? Your character would actually hook up the hoses or if they’re in a cab interact with the joystick, controls or steering wheel as you drive?

  10. Good list and you work really hard on your videos for people's entertainment. In my opinion Giants should prepare for the future… there is no water physics, no collision (you go through animals and npc's), people walk around like zombies, the AI is not good, there are a bunch of farms around maps but can see nobody working on their fields. I pre-purchased fs19 and fs22, and deception kept going up and up every release. You cant sell games on brands and graphics alone

  11. Even though these are PC mods. Imo as a console player some of these should easily be part of the base game. Things like hazard lights and beacons that have reflections, and real dirt colors are simple yet immersive things I feel should have been included.

  12. I love your style of showing us all of the mods. You list each one then you give us a list of where to download them at. Super convienant for us. For that Sir, I want to thank you. It saves us time trying to search for the mod we would like to use. Again I thank you for sharing your vids this way.

  13. Maybe i understood it wrong but the Disable Turn Off Engine (~8:44) is an normal option for FS22 in the option or not? I have to press a button (enter) to turn the engine on and off.

  14. How did you not include REA22? This is my only mandatory mod for realism and brings so much to your decisions on what tractors/equipment you are going to run.

  15. I've saved the video as there are some great mods there.
    Question if you are reading this Scroft, what was that piece of equipment in front of the green flatbed trailer right at the end?


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