FS22 Release!!! ?Komatsu GD-655 Motor Grader \ TerraFarm Ready //?Farming Simulator 22 Mods


Hello Friends!!!!
Farming Simulator 22
Two new toys new grader and the trailed compactor

Komatsu GD-655 model donated by @sams013

??‍♂️-DO NOT FORGET-?????

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Farming Simulator 22 Mods

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  1. Terra farm is only working with the Cat front loader not with anything else youve modded. What version of Terra Farm do i need?

  2. Wow man your amazing…..idk how you complete mods so quickly…. I've been starting to learn to change them in hopes of creating a few and it's is insanely in-depth, time consuming, and honestly confusing most of the time at least for me. Yet you are releasing several a day….I stand in awe…. Bow down to the mod God… Thanks for the great mods.

  3. have to say fsminer your mods incorporated with terra form are game changing, whole new level of immersion with town councils and authorities able to maintain and build road networks around the towns, farms anf forestry………….. fantastic work

  4. Fs miner frappe encore ?
    Super mon pote, sans ton travail et celui de ton équipe je jouerais même pas à farming simulator, merci car tu nous partage tout, il faut le dire c'est un travail, Nice work dude thanks you so much, ???????

  5. Fantastic mod fsminer this is going to make role playing extremely fun. Building roads in mountains for logging and maybe down into a quarry. Thanks for your work and please keep things coming. Again great job and thank you

  6. awesome work FS Miner thank you thank you thank you Sir , i cant wait to get the next version of terrafarm and to use the grader to build roads on my logging maps.

  7. @fsminer amazing job as always. You finished this grader really fast the fastest modder to me ????
    Just one question do you know when they will release the new version of terra farm? Will it be soon?

  8. Dang, that's someive been waiting for ? The only thing that would go nicely with this one, was if the ground would change to dirt, and make 2 ridges one kn both sides ?
    I guess you if anyone would be able to make it happend ??

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