FS22 Buy Or Lease New Equipment | Farming Simulator 22


In this video I take a look at the cost difference between purchasing new equipment and leasing new equipment for my farm.

#farmingsimulator #buyvslease #fs22

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Intro music sourced from: YouTube Music Library

Ending music: High Octane from Bensound.com



  1. Leasing is always cheaper and you get you use the best equipment and don't have repair bills, when I do a contract job say spraying I click triangle (ps5) and hire gear for very little money then i use that same equipment on all the other spraying jobs so hire equipment through the job itself then complete all jobs with 1 piece instead of hiring for every job but remember to empty equipment before you click complete contract

  2. Hello! I have difficulty retrieving the stuff I bought from the store. After I bought a tool and a bale of hay it told me that I can access it from the shop. I am going crazy trying to find and use the stuff I just bought and own. Could you please help?

  3. Im having issues returning leased seeder combos.. when i return the harrow the seeder stays on my farm. have you encountered this, its super frustrating as now i can even move it because the point of attachment was on the harrow! plz halp!

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