FIELD PREPARATION – 100% Yield Every Time – Farming Simulator 22 – FS22 Tutorial


Three different ways, depending on your equipment and field needs, to make sure you have 100% yield every time!

03:22 Needs Lime and Plowed
06:46 Cultivate/Seed
08:52 Direct Drill
11:55 Additional Information

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FIELD PREPARATION – 100% Yield Every Time – Farming Simulator 22 – FS22 Tutorial

Farming Simulator 22 by Giants Software

#FarmingSimulator22 #HarvsWorld #Tutorial #100%yield



  1. hum… It's strange for me, following these steps for direct drill (planter with fert) only gets me to 66% fertilized and wont let me put down another layer immediately after rolling, i still have to wait till the first growth stage to get the last layer of fert down. Has the game updated in the meantime or does it have to do with the seasonal growth being enabled?

  2. Hey Harv, good to see that you stay consistent with providing great tutorials, much appreciated! Been watching your videos to see if the are very many differences between FS19 and FS22 as I've been considering buying it. I would be curious if the general consensus is that FS22 is better and/or worth the money to buy it. Hope you are doing well my friend and thanks again! 🙂

  3. I just got a question, what if you have weeds and rocks turned off? Do i still need to use a weeder even though i have it turned off to get that 100%? Im at 98% yield bonus right now and didnt mulch either

  4. When to CULTIVATER then? Is that the same as plowing if not the heavy root crops. Also, I turn plow setting off in menu most games. .. so for me lime if needed, fertilizer round one, theb mulch, seeder, roll…?

  5. This is the best farming sim video I’ve seen, you made it so simple even though it’s complicated lol. Also, why do you not need to put lime with all the methods??

  6. Yeah plows turn the soil over deep enough it eliminates weeds like you said. Subs oilers are suppose to do the same but everytime I use a sub soiler I still get weeds. There are some good mods for plows so that’s what I stick with

  7. so .. . if I disk instead of cultivate I can forget rolling as no stones are generated and around 2,5% yield bonus, I skip mulch as well and overall I loose around 5% yield bonus. I loose round 2.5% of my overall harvest by skipping 2 steps.
    Then for grains after first run that needs plowing I just need to lime(every 3rd harvest), fertilize, disk, seed, fertilize, weed, wait, harvest, collect straw(depending on crop) and can skip 2 steps for 2.5% harvest impact.
    I get it that rolling is relatively fast and necessary for small stones, but disk is not much slower than shallow cultivator.
    This would help lower preparation times on big fields with minimal impact on yield.

  8. Thank you for the helpful information as I had trouble getting the 100% but on the empty field I decided to plant grain crop and got a 98% without mulching a very helpful video thank you

  9. I never do rolling and my yield potential is always over 120% and I don't understand that the seed adds 50% yield bonus. . How do you get a crop without using seeds. And you skipped the seed bed status for the field.

  10. I wonder if an update has changed something or I'm having a mod issue; I had canola stubble in my field. The field said it needed lime, plowing. I limed, fertilized, mulched, and then realized that my field still said I needed lime. The mulching erased the lime. I then had to lime again and then plow.

  11. In my case as a noob farmer, I harvested wheat, I did not have a plough needed status (I don’t think) so I fertilised, mulched, fertilised then seeded. But the seeder would not seed on a mulched field, it would only seed once I had plowed. Maybe the field status on the map said I needed to plow, I didn’t check there, only checked the small field info box when standing in the field.

  12. So I have problem how do u get back ur machine controls back mine went away You know I like putting lights on turning them off turning your engine on by a button turn your engine off I’m getting out of the car all that is basically gone I can’t do that anymore is there a way to turn it back on


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