Farming Simulator 22 Review – The Next Big Esport? | Xplay


Farming Simulator 22 may be a game to unwind at the end of the day, but what you may not also know is that it’s also an Esport! Join Frosk as she discusses the ins and outs of running your own farm as well as the ins and outs of running your own farm… competitively!

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  1. I don't think I've ever heard "I'm strait I'm made for this" How far has G4 fallen. I'm sure there's a motive for having this person review this game knowing the audience of this game. And the Capitalist jab…. This is so fucking bad.. ppl game to get away and ppl like this just won't let gaming be gaming.

  2. "as someone who fu**s animals I expect to be able to hop in to…" – wait, what?

    And the other thing is, I watched this review and now I know why people are pissed of at G4, it's not about "women", it's about this host. Good luck running any kind of show with this kind of host, you gonna need it. I mean there are parts of this review that are okay, but there's also a lot of them where I was like "what the actual f…".

  3. Did this dude just say it "fucks animals"……It's ok, I think you could be useful on a farm dude thing….you could fertilizer 😉

  4. People who eat raising by choice are indeed weird.
    Also, I like the energy of her talking about Farming Simulator e-sports.
    Completely different energy than when she's preaching and gaslighting.

  5. this is a terribly inaccurate review…. she explained quite a bit of game mechanics incorrectly and also probably couldn't figure out that the hints on screen are limited, there are full tutorials in the menus. Terrible jokes, terrible explanations for most gameplay mechanics also they use incorrect terms for crops, equipment and so on A LOT. I am picky from having experience in agriculture and operating equipment but come on, the proper names are literally in the game and they still continued to use incorrect terms. I doubt there was any more than 2 hours of play by the reviewer…


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