Farming Simulator 22 – Elm Creek Lets Play – Episode One


Welcome to our first ever video on Farming Simulator 22, the start of a Lets Play series on the fantastic new Elm Creek Map. Lets see where this can take us!

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Fire and Brimstone – Will Harrison
BUSTED – Northside
Some Kinda Medication – Pip Mondy

Music courtesy of

#FS22#ElmCreek #ArgsyGaming



  1. Great to see you pop your FS22 cherry. I'll be waiting until XMas to get my FS22 ? Questions…Can you use the Train Station Silo as a Pseudo storage Silo and take out when you like? If you chose to buy a Mill, does Floor price fluctuate like raw crop prices? I saw on another YT video that the Straw discharge on combine varies with amount of crop (i.e full header or partial width), nice. Great to see you in FS22 and look forward to your videos. ???

  2. Argsy – great work! I loved playing around with the train delivery and like that it charges you an hourly rate for using it to deliver. The header-trailer snapping in place while loading the header is such a huge improvement. I feel like that feature will please almost everyone and I don't remember them talking about it in the product demos.

  3. Big step up for me with workers delivery, I used to hate delivering milk on my 490 heard of cows on sandy bay set up a milk sell point in the yard in the end because the truck driving and emptying thousands of litres a day killed me

  4. There are a few mods that have been added to the modhub, the class dominator and the header for it, the Fiat tractor, etc etc, ive already added them cant wait till the mods start rolling in

  5. I was sad that you didn’t get early access Argsy, I tried to help by using your code.
    But I feel your pain as I still can’t play fs22 as I can’t download the game from giants for MacOS as they still haven’t posted it to download!! So will have to watch more videos!! Loved your approach to it! ??

  6. nice to finally see you in fs22 🙂 i dont usually play american maps but im going to play this one as i can tear this map apart as in merging fields together . looking forward to what you do


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