EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW about Rock Picking in Farming Simulator 22


Welcome to my tutorial series on Farming Simulator 22. We are going to be looking at everything from fiel prep, tendering to animals, logging and everything in between. This time we are looking at rock picking

#Farmer_EnvoyXtreme #FarmingSimulator22 #FS22Tutorial

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  1. After this video, I did some testing on big and small fields. The cause of wear and tear from my test was no difference between cultivating and picking up the rocks and cultivating without picking rocks.

    If you cultivate a field, you get small rocks/stone but if you plow, you get bigger rocks. In a small/medium field the difference is between 0-2% wear with plowing and picking the stone and not picking up the stones. In a bigger field test, the difference was on average about 5% or so. It can increase if the field is of course a lot bigger and so on

    Meaning if you plow a field and don't pick up rocks then you will damage your equipment but the actual difference isn't much. 5% was on a huge field on elm creek. (the biggest one but can't recall what it was numbered. Hope this helps

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