You all asked for it! My first farm build in FS22. Let me know how did I do?
Upload Schedule: Sunday 9am MT
My new Apex PC is being custom built right now!
New gaming specs:
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
Gigabyte X570 AORUS Master ATX Motherboard
GeForce RTX 3080 10 GB XC3 ULTRA video card
64 GB Memory/4 TB HDD/2 TB SSD
Cool Stream Classic PE 360 CPU Cooler
Want your own Steveo PC? Just ask Davis at APEX gaming in the link above.
Current hardware:
Monitor: Acer Z35 35-inch NVIDIA G-Sync Display, 144Hz,
Tower: Acer NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ti i7 7700k 4.2GHz
Ram: 16GB 2TB HDD 256GB SSD
Headphones: Victrix Pro AF Gaming Noise Cancellation Headset
Multiple Mods location:
(The best truck mods!)
Custom modding links: farm equipment comes from this site)
The Mod Link:
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Rated PG-13: Parents strongly cautioned – Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13
Where did you get that plowed texture at?
Ur farm looks great man I wish I lived in that farms in real life
Wish they’d release these sheds on console ?
I think it's the best farm on the planet and very detailed
You have to mark the spot to build your ramp or slope and then draw it up to the spot you marked. Its not like the other sculpting tools.
Hi Steveo great video but I would really appreciate it if you could let me know where you find copyright free music?
9:56 emotional damage
Can you make this into a mod because this edit is amazing!!!!!!!!!!
The sculpting construction tools are a pain in the butt! I can't get nice flat level ground when I want it. The level tool doesn't work half the time!
I’m glad u do these videos, you really help me see a good farm from a plain field
i love it
How did you get all the silos so close to each other? Mine won’t let me.
I wasn't sure you were gonna pull it off at first but I kept watching and it turned out nice. More sculpting practice and you'll create a masterpiece. Nice job love the video
Hi Steveo i love this and all of you vids and this has given me so much inspiration to do this!! can you please try release the big white shed to console mods please i really want it, have a good day.
You did a beutiful build
Let’s build a wall
Great video! You have some great designs. Here is how I get nice smooth road. First, get familiar with using the slope tool. It took me about an hour or so to get used to it with a lot of trial and error. Start at the highest point and work your way down to the lowest. Use a brush size a little bit larger than what you want your road to be. After you get the general slope of the road, then use the smooth tool the same width of the road. Be careful not to smooth anything but the road width or you might get a weird hump on the sides. Use the smooth tool again to smooth out the area by the road but again don't go over the road or you can get unwanted humps on the side. One other thing, it does take a bit of time for the smooth tool to completely smooth out the area. I slow move back and forth over the road until I see it the money stop going down. Hopefully this will help everyone.
You should make this a save game and upload it to mod-network
I was waiting for ur new farm build especially when I seen all the decorations and that fence tool looks great can’t wait to see u start farming on it
You did good looks great man
Love the build keep up the work!! Definitely subscribing
Nah mate great looking farm I’m keen to see some farming videos from this farm now
The sculpting tool was definitely one of the few things that changed for the worse in the new game for sure.
We need farm building or American style ones with the nice two tone ones
The farm is American nice farm
Nice farm house ?
Can you make the house ?️ ? cozy
My uncle's farm is American John Deere and classic Mercedes Benz
in are india the farms are dirty do you want to come to India to see indian farm
I like the roleplay series videos. And I agree with you about the landscaping tool it is hard to use.
Where did you find the 4440 mod it looks so good
Im still guna buy it but this game isn't nearly as visually good as i thought it would be….Why's it so bright, the tree's look shite