Welcome back to Farming Simulator 22. In this episode of Farming Simulator 22 I thought it would be fun to check out a new crop and build a grape orchard from scratch. I also get into processing by turning those grapes into raisins and grape juice. I hope you enjoyed this episode of Farming Simulator 22, thanks for watching and liking.
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About Farming Simulator 22:
Take on the role of a modern farmer! Agriculture, animal husbandry and forestry offer a huge variety of farming activities while you face the challenges of the four seasons, especially when winter sets in. Creatively build your own farm and extend your farming operations with production chains – forming an agricultural empire! Even run your farm together with friends and enjoy crossplatform multiplayer together.
Whether you create a lush vineyard or an olive orchard in the Mediterranean south of France, a vast farmland full of wheat, corn, potatoes and cotton in the US-Midwest or a lively animal farm in the hilly landscape of the European Alpine region: More than 400 machines and tools from over 100 real agricultural brands like Case IH, CLAAS, Fendt, John Deere, Massey Ferguson, New Holland, Valtra and many more are available for your farm.
Farming Simulator 22 brings a multitude of new gameplay features and offers more content and player freedom than ever before, including new ground working features like mulching or stone picking, an improved build-mode adding greenhouses and beehives, as well as a new character creator to bring your own, individual farmer to life.
A large variety of free community-created modifications, officially tested by the developer GIANTS Software, will extend your farming experience many times over. Rise to the challenges of becoming a successful farmer, start farming and let the good times grow!
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#FarmingSimulator #Grapes #Grapefarming
lol vinyard and grape episode, spend first portion bailing hay lol. thanks for the demo though, I might pick this game up
15:58 yup he just said that
My step dad and I are roasting you. You’re basically bailing grass. It’s far too wet. And in real life, when hay gets wet, it starts to heat up and can start a fire. You’re lucky that the guy that’s paying you to bale his field is selling it to be used as animal feed(presumably cows, they’ll eat crappy hay). Wet hay can’t be stored.
And yes. I do know what I’m talking about. I live on a farm, and we bake our own hay for our horses. What you’re doing is exactly what we did when we first cut hay.
15:57 when it's your first time ahhaha
Grapes are one of my favorites to do. I hope they add in Wine to the game. Also I've always wanted to do Beer from Barley and Wheat. I could use a cold Hefeweizen
8:13 "Snow still on the- ..Ground?"
The AI can take machines back for you?! I did not know that.
I think you can put the mulcher on the front of the tractor so you can do both in one pass
Is it possible to make wine?
“Really Marcos? A Vineyard?!” Don’t know why but that’s the first thing that popped in my head when I saw the title lol
Great gameplay, love to see more??
U should go back to 19 since its better.
Is it just me or does this guy scream all the time?
I would like to see him do grape farming and apple farming and animals all at once
growing grapes is so easy in farming simulator compared to real life
1 its not mod, its cheat.
2nd, you didnt need to get a cheat-mod. There are trainers and cheat engines
How do you mod?
Drae is a grape stripper.
I love this style! Please do this more!
For the grape factory, i'd go with a skid loader with a pallet fork instead of a gork lift. Fosk lifts don't like bumpy ground
Drae the Grape Master
I hope giant software add walnut and almond orchards in farming simulator 22 aince they always been mine and my dads favorite crops to harvest
You could have just edited the save file to get money, you didn’t really need a mod
This is the first video Iv watched of you but why do you talk like your a English teacher trying to talk over the kids in that back that Arnt listening and your trying to get thier attention to let them know that you seem them not paying attention
1:06 or grab a couple friends.
Love the concept!
U dont need a mod to get money. U can just edit the gaem code which is really easy to do.
Just stick it in the hole drae
yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, as an irish dude, this pleases me
“I am a variety channel”
me, doubtfully looking at his Besiege playlist from 2017
I think its really cool that there is grapes and olives now but I still want them to add tobacco to the game as well
Edit: also why can't you produce wine with the grapes? That needs to be added ASAP
If only farming was this easy
Raisins can be turned into cereal as well
I love these simulator games and your playthroughs of them. Great variety of them , too, so thanks, Drae.
…why fertilize like that? We pump it through drip lines ?
can you make a full series out of this like gold rush? it would be a great substitution for the long lost series
You sound like lets game it out
Cannabis Mods !!! Get them, Get farming !!!
“I can’t have a series on farming simulator it’d be to many episodes and I’m a VaRiEtY cHaNnEl” says the guy with 600 episodes of tear down and a fake gold mining game.
I love this!!! Also if anyone’s curious, there’s a way to turn on beacon reflection , it’s in the settings. Not super important but I was happy to see it lol
I realy need to stop watching you and all this awesome games.
I spend way to manny coins on games you get me hyped on….
I kinda wanna see the cereal one
The people have spoken, Drae. They want this to be a series.
I don't really like you modding in money but if that's what we have to endure for you to make more videos on this game, I won't mind it
Love your Farming sim videos!