Happy Holidays. The video breaks down the hits and misses of this great game.

Upload Schedule: Sunday 9am MT

My new Apex PC is being custom built right now!
New gaming specs:
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
Gigabyte X570 AORUS Master ATX Motherboard
GeForce RTX 3080 10 GB XC3 ULTRA video card
64 GB Memory/4 TB HDD/2 TB SSD
Cool Stream Classic PE 360 CPU Cooler
Want your own Steveo PC? Just ask Davis at APEX gaming in the link above.
Current hardware:
Monitor: Acer Z35 35-inch NVIDIA G-Sync Display, 144Hz,
Tower: Acer NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ti i7 7700k 4.2GHz
Ram: 16GB 2TB HDD 256GB SSD
Headphones: Victrix Pro AF Gaming Noise Cancellation Headset

Multiple Mods location:

(The best truck mods!)
Custom modding links: farm equipment comes from this site)
The Mod Link:

Seasons, Deer & Wildlife, AI Helper, Mods availability, Farm creation ability, Game Maps, Rocks, US stuff out of the gate, Interconnection, Player personalization
Farm build ease, US like placeables, Classic equipment, Maps, Weather, Animal interaction, Dog personalization

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Rated PG-13: Parents strongly cautioned – Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13



  1. If I switch between more than four vehicles, my screen freezes then reboots to sign-on page. Still don't have update for my console. AI cashing in when not in use. Not extremely pleased so far. Thinking of going back to 19 till this gets weeded out.

  2. yeah the helper and none straight fields…would be the biggest thing to improve for most of the buildings, vehicles and tools tons of modders do a great job bringing out all sorts of great things. need to have a look at the ai helper and see if that is help or more of a pain…until a decent version of courseplay is out i find it ok to have square fields were the helper can do work and i do stuff the helper cant do…
    the thing with the production is strange i dont know farmers wich own all those production chains, and spend more time hauling flour and bread around then working on there fields…maybe the first link yes but do cotton farmers produce there own clothes? and how many farmers own there own bakery…maybe that got a bit too far at least as i see it…

  3. Hey I'm one of your big fans I was wondering if is there a movie by chance I could ever play with you all sometime do a dedicated server with your or something if so let me know and leave me a comment and tell me how to get ahold of y'all thanks I would love to play I would love to help you experience being able to play between PC and console at the same time

  4. ypu complain about field sizes but there are so many players that play for fun not realisum ahe the in game hired worker doesnt do a good job if fields go to the trees. you can make fields to any size or shape you want with a plough

  5. I have loved all the Farming Simulator series. FS22 is almost 2 months old and all I can think about is all the game fixing Updates, New Mods/Updates and the DLC we will be getting. I honestly have had not 1 complaint or concern. It can only get better and smoother. I mean FS19 had one heck of a run with 3 years, that’s a first for any PC or Console edition. Unfortunately, I have been hospitalized since Dec, 20th with Covid, so I only have like 200+hrs on PlayStation and I only got to open and look at goodies in my Collector’s Edition (which was late due to customs). Can’t wait to get back in good health, get back on the farm and grow my empire. Thanks for your video, Stay Safe & FARM ON!!

  6. I wish you could create cattle pastures, big fenced pastures like we have in Nebraska. Have to work cattle, use horses to move them. I like how you can use horses better now though. Also wish you could feed bales in pasture, grind it on ground and cows eat it.

  7. "Needs" more crops, crop disasters like flooding, drought, and insects. which opens up for insecticide, drain tile, drill for irrigation wells. CO-OPS friends being able to start their own farm on a server. opening up the ability to split the map and share trade resources.

  8. All your negative comments are answered by the fact this is a swiss company trying to make an interpretation of what they think America is like. I think until they hire US developers with farming backgrounds this will remain a constant gripe to US Players.

  9. I say that in career mode they need to have a lvling system. Do jobs and contracts to earn points and lvl up. have a skill tree to invest in and get better as you go.

  10. As always the animal side of things is a huge let down (its literally a whole new game type if they went about it) workers are shit as always, slight upgrade but still pretty useless, more usable maps/buildings and that sort of thing would be nice….the seasons mod was far better than this in game one

    If you want to have 200 milking cows you need to have the land/wallet to feed them, have adequate slurry storage etc. could be so much more fun and realistic.

    Here in Ireland we have them outside most of the year so why cant we be able to move them paddock to paddock, if i have 10 i wana see 10 animals if i have 57 i wana see 57….plenty stuff there to make the game much better.

    Option to hire a full time worker, like they can feed the animals, you can plan out there day or week (feed milkers, fertilise paddock 3, power harrow field 7) im chopping silage so i need to hire 4 drivers and me and fulltime worker can do the pit and chopper. What about looking at ads to find a worker with the right skills, different hourly rate etc.

  11. I’d love to have more of other farms infrastructure and to be able buy and use that way infrastructure. It stinks that the small dairy on Elm Creek is just decorative. Also would like more older equipment

  12. Honestly from a lifetime cow calf farmer it’s better for calf to get its milk directly from its mother cow

    Bottle feeding calves is the last resort
    But could be fun

    I worked on a feedlot where I fed 200 calves twice a day seven days a week

    Bottle feeding can be a hassle when quantity replaces quality

    Sure I was excited to see calves drink their milk from rubber bowls

    Sure nutrition can be mixed into the milk replacer

    But calves acquire better health by being with their mother

    Especially new born calves because they need mother cows colosseum milk

    I miss my old job to bad the owner lost their marketing contracts

  13. I reckon for the premium version of fs they should add Australian equipment. Australia is built around agricultural being lifestock or crops. There are also alot of Aussies that play the game and some may agree. Weuse alot of stuff thats already in-game with some additions like kenworth, western star, older equipment (case ih 9230 headers or sts headers) toyota and some aussie companies like Finch chaserbins. Even adding a customization option to add oversize signs or flags would be good


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