What Crop Makes The Most Money? | Farming Simulator 22


Farming Simulator 22, How to Video and tutorial video on what crop makes the most money and has the biggest yield. What is the most profitable crop?

In this video, I test out 14 crops from FS22 and compare the results to show what crop makes the most profit.

Farming Simulator 22 on the PC, with several mods & in 4K

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  1. But how many seeds you used? Sugarcane regrows so dont need seeds every year. Potatoes needs many seeds or you use Portatos from last year, but then u can't sell everthing.

  2. HI, recently watched a similar video by either the “FarmSim Guy” or “Mr. SilyP” that mentioned Soybeans are up again after the latest patch by Giants. Second while some of the new crops and root crops results were higher from a simple yield x price, the profits reflected do not take into account either the additional time required to harvest the crops(Potatoes and Sugar Beets take 4 – 6 times longer) or the extra expensive equipment including very expensive single crop harvesters and special trailers. Suggest re-testing and adding two additional spread sheet columns one for total equipment costs and the other for the farm labor to harvest only(I am assuming field prep(plowing, cultivating, liming, fertilizing and weeding) are almost the same for each crop so this would impact costs based on equipment and labor. Labor and equipment costs are almost always the most important factors on profit and Return on investment. Note( to stay consistent with the equipment costs suggest testing with both the most expensive vs the least expensive harvest options, and also include the total equipment costs required for each crop type such as the plows, cultivators, mulching equipment, spreaders, sprayers, trailers/trucks and the harvesters.

  3. You should redo sugarcane with the smaller 1m harvester. The big self propelled one is bugged and gives you only a fraction of the yield the smaller one does. Even on patch 1.2 it is bugged. With the small harvester I got about 352k liters of sugarcane from field 42 on haut-beyleron and it hovers around 400-500 euros per 1k liters so I imagine it's gonna net a huge profit considering the relatively cheap investment in equipment. Haven't sold my stash yet tho so I am yet to determine the final profit from it.

  4. A useful spread sheet would have been the volume of the crops you got off the field so someone feeding animals would know at a glance what they should grow. Looks like barley for chickens. Corn, barley, canola and potatoes for hogs.

  5. It would be interesting to analyse the equipment needed to farm those crops. Coming from a complete novice perspective, it may show which could be the most economical to produce. This may be assessed using leasing and a buying strategy.

  6. Personally I think canola is the best for ground crops. Root crops are expensive to prepare and you can make just as much as money putting water into the green houses

  7. I hate to say this because I normally enjoy your videos but your methodology on this experiment was extremely dubious. The prices cap out in one specific month, but you took a sample across all 12 months despite knowing that only one would have the highest range possible. For all intents and purposes, your sample size was n=1 because you only took one sample within the month of the highest expected range; all the other data is superfluous because the game already tells you which month you should sample for prices for each crop.

  8. Now we need to know which crop is cheapest to produce, yes we now know the best price but if you don't own all the equipment then one crop might be better due to hire costs etc

  9. Thanks for this, I have been trusting the in game high/low sales prices, I tend to grow wheat and use it all in chicken coops, to produce eggs. I will have to do some further research myself to see when the best time to sell is.

  10. Hm.. I liked the details.. but a lot stuff missing to figure out the highest profit.

    Like how much growing time needed per crop?
    How much effort/time needed per crop? Like planting, preparing, gathering?

    Next part is not needed, because advanced ++ "statistic informations"
    And, of course, the speed you play on and the size of your fields.
    When you play on a faster speed and you have huge fields, you want to plant there stuff that needs more time to grow so you get all the bonus stuff.
    Especially potatoes and stuff are a "problem" there, because its a lot and the gathering takes a lot more time compared to wheat, soybeans, oats and co.
    If you play on a slower speed, that doesnt matter that much.

  11. Are the numbers adjusted for seed cost per ha though? Potatoes are nice as long as you are not buying the seeds, as the moment you do it skyrockets – meaning your first potato harvest will be a net negative, and you have to replant the 2nd year using the first year harvest. Sugarcane planting is downright abysmal, lucky you dont need to replant. Beets are even better money when seed cost is calculated in.


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