We Have Rows! and Finished Rolling | E11 Elmcreek | Farming Simulator 22


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  1. From watching multiple other YouTubers it looks like rocks do not affect the yield they only cause damage to equipment and cause most damage to mowers (each type of equipment is damaged by different amount)

  2. This is just stupid! Does anyone in America farms in this manor? I know The Millennial Farmer used a roller for a while I think for corn stubble . BUT mulchers? really? Two types of cultivators? And Yes the license plate thingy works great! Why not just introduce the production side to the game and fix the seasons mod. If you run a seeder over cultivated field its hard to see where you are planting! For dairy farming there's no rye or alfalfa in the base game! I know farmers in England just use grass for hay and silage. Sorry for venting but I am getting fed up with this .

  3. So I’m guessing u need to mulch it cultivated it and then roll it ?

    I think fs is getting more confusing to me
    And it seems like a lot equipment to use
    And it’s hard because on console u have equipment slots
    And I don’t wanna use all the equipment slots just for mulcher or a roller

    But I guess that’s how the cookie crumbles when u are a console player

    Btw check bees


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