TRANSPORT CONTRACTS // HUGE Cash Possibilities // Farming Simulator 22 Gameplay


TRANSPORT CONTRACTS! HUGE Cash Possibilities! Supply & Transport Contracts Mod lets you take goods and services and deliver them to other businesses! We check it out and make a BUNCH of Cash Quick! Check It Out!

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  1. Yep, the landscaping tools in this game are kind of brutal. They really need to find a better way to be able to level the ground.

  2. Get rid of the red building,,,and it will level out,,yep going to cost you allot but its the only way. Your a tad wreckless you know that

  3. Sitting here having my coffee this morning waiting for you to post your game so I can watch it. Funny stuff thoroughly enjoy your videos.

  4. It amazes me what modders are able to do with Farming simulator. If i had all the stuff they needed or want i would be all over this mod.

  5. Don't know that, you have seen my comment. And a little bit updated comment. You should also use the Autodrive mod, it will make, driving cars and tractors so easy. And you can hire a AIworker for the Vines and the Olives. And there is a unload combine feature in it. You should see the tutorial of it. And you should also use the Front Lifter mod, if you use it, you can do some insane things. And you should also use the GPS mod. You can do field works more straight. And the corseplay mod, it will make feild workes smart and controllable.


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