GIANTS Need to FIX This Controller Problem in Farming Simulator 22 for PC & Console Players


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#SimUKReviews #SimUKUltimateRealism #FS22



  1. You have to make sure that you have the proper tool selected when trying to control it. You had The crane selected when you were trying to control the front loader. I’m guessing this will help sort out some of your issues

  2. Must admit the controller options are weird and sparse…
    I would like the game to recognise ANY type of controller i have connected to my pc.
    For example i have a flight sim yoke connected to my pc (which FarmSim 22 recognises "Alpha yoke" ) ..but i can't bind any keys ..why would it show in the ingame settings and not let me bind anything? ..
    Like you mentioned ..i would need a plethora of controllers and a 15 ft wide desk!

  3. This is a matter of them trying to make a few controls work for everything. It really is not a one size fits all situation. Players on console could not play the game (not that they really can now) with seperate controls for everything, but pc players are frustrated by the limitations set by the devs trying to make it work for everyone.

  4. I've just wasted 90 mins of my life trying to get my side panel to work. Found your vid looking for a solution. Thanks for explaining what is going on. This is retarded as it gets.
    Guess I'm going back to 17.

  5. Not only that! I can't load my first save (80+h of work). Not even using any mods or dlc. I'm playing it on the xbox S. The game was great until that save stopped working. There is no point in playing if I cannot trust the "save" ability… Optimization is very poor, runs like a one legged cat. Also the steering sensitivity for a controller is just so awkward!

  6. I’m having trouble getting my Xbox one controller working well because I don’t know the best way to do all the bindings. Have you settled on good bindings? Could you upload your input bindings file for us? I don’t even know if it will work.

  7. you want to know the funny thing. my setup contains 2 thrustmaster flight sticks, 1 satiek side pannel, logitech wheel and pedals , a SKRS shifter which the toggle switches wont even work for this game which is really shity for farming 22 so much for driving a truck properly. even with all this gear i find my self still having problems with keybind not working.

  8. Wouldn’t know about the controls issue. I have yet to be able to play. Will not let me join a multiplayer game. Keeps coming up with errors when trying to join.

  9. Havent hooked up my g29 or saitek panel yet however the most exciting thing im impressed with control wise is that baler and bale wrappers can now auto unload… FINALLY!

  10. I'm using a tool to overload my mouse wheel up button to two kbm buttons (press = then press wheel up) which allows me to control gear up (via =) as well as scrolling and zooming as normal, and similar for wheel down. Wondering if you can find a similar hack for your controllers to action multiple button presses

  11. I have noting but trouble with the xbox x series controls. Half the time the menu doesnt work. And also theres no buttons for manual transmission. Your lucky as we dont even have a key binding option !


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