FS22 Most Profitable Production | Farming Simulator 22


In this video I break down which production is the most profitable.

#farmingsimulator #production #fs22

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Ending music: High Octane from Bensound.com



  1. Or just do one larger wheat field, 3 chicken coops, and with easy settings when selling year production of eggs at November (and straw in December) you'll have so much money after a few seasons, that you can go ahead towards any production chain based on fun and not profitability ?

  2. I thought the production chains don't work as fast when you are running multiple things in it? Like say you had the oil mill and you put in sunflower and canola, instead of processing both of them at 4800 per month or would split them and only do both at 2400. Or it's that wrong? Idk I'm genuinely asking

  3. I did just run some tests on greenhouses – and your math is the limit of income.
    The production rate of greenhouses is based on water usage, which is a static rate. The output does not increase if you select all products:
    – 1 product is produced at 100% rate.
    – 2 products are produced at 50% each.
    – 3 products are produced at 33% each.
    In essence the decision to produce all three allows you to hedge against the market, and average the income over sell price of each. I think most folks would pick lettuce, just because it produces slower (for a higher value), so there is less labor to ship to market.

    I think what would be interesting to know about the other production facilities is whether they are similarly limited – either by input product or production capabilities.
    (There's so many tests to run and so limited time per day!!!)

  4. I am sure this is a bug, but with all the guides to production videos I have watched, I can't believe no one has mentioned this one. I built my own Spinnery. I harvested my field of cotton and got enough cotton to run my factory for 15 months. I was trying to decide if I wanted to replant the cotton. I got a contract to harvest someone else's cotton field. When I looked at the #9 map, I saw that the contract was sending the cotton to MY Spinnery. I harvested his field and took the cotton to my spinnery. I got paid $6900 for the contract and now I have over 40,000 liters of free cotton to put into my factory; enough for another 14 months, so now I can plant something else in that field this year.

  5. I really don’t think your values are correct. Firstly average sell prices? No one will sell anything in the worst months. A better value would be avg sell price in best month. Or perhaps 80% of that value.
    I don’t think you can make multiple flour types simultaneously as the rates will change for each product added on.

    How many bakeries do you need to consume the flour?

  6. super interesting. what i didnt expect: greenhouses are quite good considering you can buy 6-10 of them for the same price as the other production buildings

  7. 12:56 Correct me if i am wrong but i was of the understanding that each production building hade a set amount of cycles it was able to run over the course of 1 month. So if u did run both let´s say Wheat and Barley into Flour the game used this monthly set numbers of cycles and split it betwinn those 2 or however many productions that building hade active for that month. So wouldent it then be better from a stand point of the amount of grain processed/month to only have the 1 type of grain active that gave u the most flour output/cycles. A simple example would be if u only ran 1 type of grain and 1000 wheat got u 1000 flour but 1000 Barley got u 800 flour. Now if u have them both active the amount of cycles are split betwinn them so the mill only process 50% of each so u would get 500 flour (wheat) and 400 flour (barley) = 900 flour if u ran both Wheat and Barley at the same time vs that u would have got 1000 flour =100 more if u only used Wheat.

    I hope i dident complicated this to mutch and that it made sense. To sum it up do the buildings have a set amount of cycles per month that is then split based on how many diffrent crops are active in that building or does each crop have there own set amount of cycles/month regardless of how many other active crops the building have active?

  8. I disagree about the greenhouses for two important reasons. Reason one is the space that you need in order to use them. They are tiny compared to the amount of space that you need for all of these other crops. Reason two is that the amount of time it takes to actually care for the greenhouses. All they need is water in order to function, and you can fill them up (at least the big ones, not sure about the others) at the beginning of the year and ignore them for the entire rest of the year until you get to the most profitable month. The greenhouses have the perfect amount of space on the pallets outside and storage space, so that they will store literally everything for a year and a month (because sometimes there's some fluctuation). Sure some of these others are strictly more money, but they also require more space and time to manage. I'm not arguing with the spreadsheet, just your idea of them being the worst.

  9. After posting a warning about listening to random people I went and quoted someone without checking it out. I saw someone report that setting up a grape field is so expensive that regardless of what you do with the grapes, it will take forever to get your money back. I set up a test field and used the prices from Driver53's latest price updates. I built a vineyard that cost $380,430 for the vines. These vines gave me 20,200 liters of grapes. This would give the same number of raisins. The estimated peak price for raisins according to Driver53's video are $4662 or $2797 or $1554 depending on the difficulty level you use. With these prices it would take 4.04 years or 6.7 years, or 12.11 years to pay off the cost of vines. This is only running the factory a little over 3 months of the year. To get enough grapes to run the factory all year would take $1,464,467,18 in vines, but the ratio stays the same so you could pay off the field at the same time. Not sure I would like to try this on hard mode, but the other two don't seem that bad.

  10. As you said, those final figures are "gross" profit. The numbers on the grape processors look spectacular, but when you figure in the cost of all the vines you need, even with those great monthly figures, it is going to take you years and years to break even.

  11. I'm making a fortune on bread. Each granary can support just over 5 bakeries. I've got 2 granaries and 11 bakeries. Also, the smaller brick bakery is fab. It has space for 8 pallets outgoing before it starts using the 'storage' inside.

  12. This is a very helpful overview. thanks for all the work done to get the numbers.I only miss the honey 😉
    One thing you can consider is where in the game you are. In the early stages, the greenhouses are better since they are cheap to place. Especially compared to the other productions. Also, you don't need a whole parkinglot of machinery. Just a watertank, lorry and a tractor. Later, with more money available to invest, the greenhouses become less interesting and the space can be used for more profitable productions.
    And water is also free to get on Haute Beyleron. Not sure about the 3rd map.

  13. A good example in understanding some aspects of the "microeconomics of farming".
    However, most farmers base their incomes through full acreage calculations not base materials with the exceptions of lumber companies. Then apply equipment, facility, operation, fuel, and maintenance cost reductions for estimated final profits.

  14. You say the money you make from cereal is on top of the other produce like honey raisins etc.

    If you own the factory do you still get paid for the raw produce or only end product.

    IE wheat to flour to bread. Would I get paid for the wheat/flour/bread if I own the grain mill and bakery?

  15. The only thing I noticed is you didn't take into account cost of equipment.. For grapes especially it takes specialized tools for almost every aspect of it from planting to hauling and ALL of that equipment is extremely expensive to lease or buy.

  16. I think a more useful stat would be Profit per Acre. Technically my Oat sells more per unit but I get small amount of it in total so at the end of the day considering limited resources which is better to plant and to feed into the factory?

  17. Yeah, I like the idea of the production chains more than the actual output. I am about 30 hours into a save and still haven't tried anything other than the main 4 grains that the grain mill takes. I found out that you can double dip if you put a bunch of crop in there to sell before you buy it and the crop still shows up for production as well. I only own the grain mill and bakery but bread is just way too slow… I feel like the ratios of use to consumption need to be rebalanced. 1 grain mill makes like 20 times the amount of flour than the bakery will process. Due to this, I usually keep it set to distribute and once the storage is full at the grain mill, ill swap it to sell to sell off what I have before setting it back to distribute. I haven't really messed with the other chains but it just seems to be a lot of work supplying them all for what you get back out of it. I think the end game good should be way more valuable than what they are especially for how slow they process everything.

  18. The greenhouse are nice, get the big ones (i have 4) get the big water tanker, fill them fully (2 trips for all 4 big greenhouse) and forget about them. Wen full or close to full set it to auto sell wen price is good (there are lists on reddit for the selling price’s) and get a stack off basically free money every year or so. (After selling (sells on the full houwer) don’t forget te set back to storing).

  19. Was yield per field considered? For example, looks like Oat does better than Barley when making flour, but you get a lot more Barley out of a field.

  20. Just a critical thought. Things that were left out were equipment cost and effort. Those in mind never go into logging with more that a chainsaw because the equipment cost and greenhouses on paper suck but there is no effort.

  21. Sort of felt like Kansas coop before update; u sell to us and you LIKE price.. or game over. Now it seems more balanced, slightly cheaper and much faster for production buildings to crank out the goods. As a real farmer most of this game doesn't make any sense; rolling a field?? not having to chisel before planting no-till grains?? And here in central US we can easily get in 2 crops of wheat per year (early fall & late spring harvest) so I turned off all the seasonal growth to see if this is even possible. Also you can get a good crop of beans in then quick-plant winter wheat for groundcover & a free spring harvest, IRL, so.. we will see. FS19 you can adjust settings to achieve more realistic farming/crops which dilutes half of the new features of FS22. Underline the GPU hungry 3D graphics that most people, including myself, can't even run without sending our graphics card into low earth orbit. Supposedly they are also working on this issue as nearly 80% of players are running bare minimum hardware required to run the game. Your data seems spot on though as some of the changes to production/crops/prices are game changers. Good work!


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