FS22 ★ TOP ★ Interactive Control (by Vertex Dezign) – Farming Simulator 22 New Mods Review 2K60


Farming Simulator 22 | NEW MODS REVIEW (1440p 60FPS)
Interactive Control (by Vertex Dezign)

‘Interactive Control’ is a global script mod for Farming Simulator 22. While this mod is active, you are able to use many other mods that support Interactive Control. With IC you get the possibility to control many parts of several (prepared) vehicles interacitvly.

‘IC’ provides different possibilities to interact with your vehicles. You can use click icons that appear when you turn on IC or when you are nearby. Another way for interactive handling is a key binding event. The controls are able to be used as switch or to force a state. All interactions are generally possible to use from the inside and the outside of a vehicle.

Using the controls you can steer different things:

– Play animations (e.g. to open/close windows, fold/unfold warning signs, …)
– Call specific functions (e.g. Start/Stop Motor, TurnOn/Off tool, Lift/Lower attacher joints, …)
– ObjectChanges (to change translation/rotation/visibility/…)

For further informations: README on Github:

Game Farming Simulator 22
Manufacturer VertexDezign
Category Gameplay
Author Vertex Dezign
Size 0.23 MB
Released 18.11.2022
Platform PC/MAC

mod link:

Mods USED for demonstration:
– Fendt Vario 900Gen6/900Gen7 [updated for ‘interactive control’] (by Schnibbl Modding)

– Kerner Corona Pack (VertexDezign)

The Official GAME website:
The Official GAME ModHub :

Video Musics license of YouTube Audio Library

#FarmingSimulator22 #FS22NewMods #FS22ModsReview



  1. Mods USED for demonstration ((READ THIS VIDEO DESCRIPTION)):

    – Fendt Vario 900Gen6/900Gen7 [updated for 'interactive control'] (by Schnibbl Modding)

    – Kerner Corona Pack (VertexDezign)

  2. I installed both the steering mod and the interaction one you mentioned here. And both of them move some how by them selves to the folder just below the mod folder called modsetting's. Any reasone as to why. In any case unless I add the zzzFS22 steering mod to my mod folder. Though I've compared via notepad++ the two and with the exception of having the zzz in front of the FS22, they are identical. Except the FS22 end's up in the modsetting's and the zzzFS22 stays in the mod section. Without it, the steering mod which doesn't stay in the mod folder, but goes to the modsetting folder. Doesn't work.

  3. I have a problem with this mode, I also installed "(simple IC)" but none of them work inside the vehicle, but if I am outside it, then it only works to open the doors from outside it. but I don't know what causes this problem or because of other ways they don't work, does anyone know how to solve it?


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