Farming Simulator 22 PS5 Gameplay – Do We Have The X-Tractor?


Farming Simulator 22 has arrived on PS4 and PS5, so Rob and Rosie are taking to the fields to see if they have what it takes to run a successful farm. Come and join the fun!

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  1. VOD Squad today! Long time lurker and VOD squad member but i love this community so recently i've been trying to be more involved in it via livestreams and on twitter. Love what you guys do it's inspirational and cheers me up on bad days keep up the good work! 🙂

  2. Why am I even watching a farming simulator? Curiosity I guess. I always see new of those being sold in stores and I always wonder who on earth would buy and play those. And besides, it's yet enother stream I can watch

  3. VOD squad today, I grew up on a horse farm and have put many hours into tractor driving/work. Also Clarkson's farm is great! love that show

  4. Most unrealistic aspect of this game is having both red and green equipment on the same farm. Oh boy the fights I have seen over this fact IRL.

  5. I can't believe how funny this was,Rob is pure lawful chaos personified,and Rosies full bore laugh at around the 1 hour 30 Mark is one of the purest things you will ever hear.

    Vod squad fo life!

  6. There may come a day when the strength rob fails. When he gives in to the demands of his friends and finally plays the bloodborne DLC, but it is not this day.

    Today we farm.

    By all that you hold dear on this good channel,

    I bid you stand, subscribers of PlayStation Access!!

  7. Farmer Raccoon from the VOD squad here im never going to play this but im always down for more time with you guys.
    im not a farmer but my brother in law is and i can say he doesnt play video games and if he would i doubt it would be this.

  8. VOD Squad! Just like farmer Schrödinger used to say…"if you don't watch the wheat trailer empty, it is both full and empty at the same time."

  9. VOD squad that’s still playing catch up from all the videos I’ve missed from a writers conversation I went to last week in Vegas. I want to put you guys in my books as a thank you for all the great times you’ve given over the years if that’s cool


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