Farming Simulator 22 New Mod Review and How To | Enhanced Vehicle (now with Track Assistant)


A popular mod for FS19 by Majo76 (formely ZhooL), Enhanced Vehicle (EV) is now available in a FS22 version with ADDED features.

I walk you through what I have learned about the mod and show you how to use it and what it can do for you and tell you.

Link to mod:

00:00 Intro to EV
00:39 Set “shuttle shift” in FS22
01:44 Vehicle Weight
02:04 Damage and Fuel
02:18 Differential
03:36 Running Fuel
04:18 Temperature
04:45 Introducing Track Assistant
04:58 Control Basics
05:58 Snap to direction or track
06:06 Create tracks
06:47 Rotate tracks
07:14 Recalculate track
07:55 Headland management
08:32 Working width
10:51 Track management
11:04 Super interesting feature
11:35 View it all in ACTION!
14:15 Active headland distance in action
16:42 More detail on headland settings
17:27 Summing it up
18:10 Show line settings and other settings



  1. Nice video. I’d figured most of the track assist stuff out, but was still unclear if I was enabling it correctly, so I searched. Luckily I picked the right video and you aren’t one of those guys who yells and pretends he’s an MC at a monster truck rally or pop music DJ. Nice, easy style, good grammar and enunciation.

  2. yeah its not working for me direct dl from gethub when i use the right ctrl and end key i get a message saying ":the working width was recalucated" i cant get the little green steering wheel to turn on only the lines

  3. So basically a better GPS mod? The only downfall from that GPS mod is you can’t have the gps going on Angles only North South East West unless I’m doing something wrong, do these two mods work together or not?

  4. Enhanced Vehicle is in my opinion the best FS22 Mod for field work. I frequently use the adjustment features like shifting the lanes left or right to match the edge of the field and also adjusting the working width to more efficiently distribute the overlap like with fertilizers which tend to have sometimes some marginally small final lanes. I do that by setting up the lanes at the beginning and then driving over to the left (or right) and adjusting the width of the lanes to fit the field.


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