Farming Simulator 22 – How To Pick Up Hay Bales


What you need to do to Pick Up Hay Bales In Farming Simulator 22. A Guide and location for Picking Up Hay Bales on Farming Simulator 22

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#FarmingSimulator22 #Tips #Bales



  1. yea, does not work that easily for me.
    doesnt matter how much I extend them or what position its in. the bales always just get pushed away from the loader…

  2. I kicked the first bale towards the selling point cause it kept falling off! I got how it works now but try picking up a second bale while keeping the other one in place… I still can't do it and I have like 30 more bales to pick up 🙁 The torture!

  3. Thank you so much man. I was so confused and lost but this helped a ton. Super simple, super fast. Thanks so much man seriously thank you

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