Erlengrad car license plate EU/D incl. city V1.0.1 FS22


Erlengrad car license plate EU/D incl. city V1.0.1 FS22
Version 1.01 (log is now error-free)
The log errors sound and collectibels have been fixed.
The log is now error-free.
This is the standard MAP Haut-Beyleron, I have changed the license plates to EU/FR.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Since nothing else has been changed on the MAp compared to the original, you can adapt your save game from the original map and continue playing on this one without any problems.
Otherwise, do what you want with the MAP.
Thanks to Giants, for the setting of license plate numbers in the game.

Credits:Others: Giants for the card, the GE.
The Modcommunity and Giants for the tutorials to convert and rebuild the beach style maps as ModMaps.

Tags: MAP



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