WELL COTTON IS CERTAINLY WORTH DOING – Farming Simulator 22 FS22 Elmcreek Ep 21


Getting a very good payout for doing a cotton contract and finding some more collectables.
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Music List:
1: Just Wanna Come Alive – SOOP
2: Keep You Near – Sum Wave
3: Kendwa – Jones Meadow
4: Key To The City – Christian Nanzell

Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound

Mod List:
Cultivator Field Creator –

Collect Straw At Missions –

Rolland Pack –



  1. I had 62k of clothing made from cotton and sold it at its peak, netting me 1.3 million. Cotton is certainly worth it if you don't mind the time it takes to harvest. Easy to transport the end product as well compared to something like sugar cane.

  2. That road where the stone crusher is, on your way back directly in front of you there's a building with a finger pointing: right there there's another collectable. And take a look around the houses surrounding your farm 😉

  3. 911: what's your emergency
    old lady: some vandals are running on my roof, please send help

    PS the trees you've planted make this farmland so unrecognizable – awesome job


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