The First Video of FS22, I wanted to try and build an American Farm. It’s a little tough, as some of the sheds aren’t really a traditional Mid-West Farm shed, but we worked with what we had. Giant’s new Fence Tool is amazing! Hope you guys enjoy!

7R & 8R Mods-

Apex Gaming PCs (10% Off using Discount Code: “Squad”)-


The Squad Instagram-

MODS (Places where I get mods)

(No Ads on this site at all, site is hosted by me)

(Has a few more mods then Mod-network)

(The best truck mods and other misc mods out there!)

(Good equipment comes from this group)

How to Install Mods-

*I have stopped linking specific mods due to reducing the risk of releasing a private mod. I will not send out any mods at all or answering any question relating to “Where did you get this mod”, as the mod can be found in the above links if it is public*



1. How do you get the game?

You can buy the game here (PC version)-

2. Can you get mods for Xbox One or PS4 (talking about FS19 not FS17)?

No, you can not get any of the good mods like I have. There’s a few little mods you can get for console

3. Where do you get your mods?

Mod-Network (AD Free)-
Some of the best Crazy Mods-
Some Facebook Groups with Good Realistic Mods-
Custom Modding Group-
JHHG Modding-

4. Why is it called the Squad if it is only one person?

This channel started out as a couple of people as it moved to Farming simulator it just ended up being me (Grant). I now have my brother (Spencer) in some videos too so I thought I would keep the name “The Squad”.

5. Can I play with you?

On most Livestreams, I keep a couple of spots open for people to join. The Livestreams are usually every Saturday at 5 pm Central Time. To join the live stream you must have every mod I use on that server. Most of the time I let you guys know what mods you will need for the livestream the day before (so Friday).



  1. Farming sim 22 feels like when you stop playing farming sim for a couple of years, then see the latest farming sim, buy it and see what's new, only to find out that it's way better than the last and feels modded when completely stock. I like the idea of a manual gearbox, but it can get confusing if you don't know how to use it. I like the new shop menus, tractors sound better, seasons are cool, but not my cup of tea.

  2. Hey grant you should try to build a modern farm but still a little smaller and tighter kind of what jake made when him and king competed for a farm in 1 hour in family 19


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