Bibice 4x BETA v1.0 FS22
Finally, Bibice 4X appears, the map is NOT FINISHED, some buildings in the village are missing and there are a few unnoticeable errors.
The map is fully playable because it contains:
petrol station
3 selling stations
animal dealer
grain mill
liming station
374 fields!!!!
2 full playable farms (smaller and larger)
the map has some funny variations, such as an airplane or billboards
varied field sizes from 0.8 ha to as much as 420 ha
5 new crops
and many other uses are up to 4x and the map itself has so many useful places that it cannot be used for 5 or 10 photos.
as i wrote, the map is fully playable, maybe from the sawmill, which was supposed to be in the village, which is unfinished. the same fake visual part of the maps is missing.
I DISAGREE WITH RELEASING THE MAP YOU HAVE REPRODUCED because there may be another version
best regards and enjoy the game (:
danio2008 Polish Photographer