Ter Apel v1.0.0.1 FS22
Welcome to Ter Apel, A village in the northeast of the Netherlands.
Update: v1.0.0.1 15_09_24
– There were problems with BGA capacity. Is now resolved.
New capacity:
capacity fillType=”SILAGE” capacity=”2305425″
capacity fillType=”MANURE” capacity=”2072720″
capacity fillType=”SUGARBEET_CUT” capacity=”2036360″
capacity fillType=”LIQUIDMANURE” capacity=”2305425″
capacity fillType=”DIGESTATE” capacity=”8400000
Old capacity:
capacity fillType=”SILAGE” capacity=”2.305.425″
capacity fillType=”MANURE” capacity=”2.072.720″
capacity fillType=”SUGARBEET_CUT” capacity=”2.036.360″
capacity fillType=”LIQUIDMANURE” capacity=”2.305.425″
capacity fillType=”DIGESTATE” capacity=”8.400.000″
– additional sounds are heard softer now: Dog, churchOrgan, boat, garage repair vehicle, hot Air Balloon.
This map is made of the real village.
Fields 55, smallest 0,382ha and largest 10,305ha , fields with contracts.
Map is built of the base map France.
Map is very detailed.
Only for PC.
– added cow farm, pig farm, horse farm.
– collectibles with little to a lot of money.
– Added extra texture terrain: bricksredoblique, bricksredyellow, bricksred, bricksgrey, bricksyellow, sidewalk, hexagonal, BeachSandWavy, pavement_regular01, CobblestoneMixed, PavementRegular02;
– added factories: BGA, SugarMill, Dairy, OilPlant, TailorShop, Carpenter, Sawmill, Spinnery, Bakery, Cheese Bank, GrainMill;
– added many sales points: zeeman, jumbo, coop, lidl, aldi, hema, 4 schools, fullhouse, action, karwei, trend 4 you, avebe, woonidee, 3 musketiers, snackbar: ‘moekesgat’ter apel’arends’, boshuis, brasserie, sportplaza, teuben transport, scholletje, hamminga, municipality westerwolde, omrin recycling center
– added 2 gas stations
– added extra sounds
– added tractor football. Relax with your friends and play tractor football
– added RC circuit. decoration
– added Big airplane. At 12 pm a plane flies over the village decoration
– added Glider.flies over the village decoration
– added HotAirBalloon Westerwolde Ballooning with sound. decoration
– added NL License Plates, 2 numbers, 3 letter, 1 number
– added MultiTank MKS32 and MKS8, <category>trailers, MILK WATER LIQUIDFERTILIZER HERBICIDE DIESEL METHANE DIGESTATE, 3 design Configurations, more colors, you can customize your logo by yourself, use paint.net and save “1 to 5 Decal_diffuse” as DDS “DXT5”
– added IlluminatedSign for your farm with 2 choices, <category> Decoration, you can customize your logo by yourself, use paint.net and save “LogoDecal_diffuse” as “DXT1”, “LogoDecal02_diffuse” save as “DXT5”
Have fun.
Credits:JRK modding