Showcases 23 v1.0 FS22


Showcases 23 v1.0 FS22
This pack includes 10 modern promotional display cases. Each version contains three different motifs from one manufacturer, which change every hour. Manufacturers represented in the 23′ version are: BKT, Case IH, Claas, Deutz-Fahr, Fendt, John Deere, MAN, Massey Ferguson, Steyr and Valtra.
Advertising showcase
Purchase price: 0 €
Maintenance costs: 1 € per day
Can be found in the game under: Build / Decoration / Miscellaneous
Languages: Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Spanish, Polski
Support and further information is only available from FBM
File size of MOD: 9,67 MB

Credits:Giants Software GmbH (Spieleentwickler) Forbidden-Mods (Publisher) Landbauer (3D Artist & Ingame) Thorsten73 (MOD-Tester)

Tags: BKTJohn DeereMassey FergusonMOD



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