HoT Cargo System v1.0 FS22


HoT Cargo System v1.0 FS22
The HoT swap bodies and transport system in a new look, consists of the following vehicles, trailers and swap bodies as well as a
Frigoblock flag:
HoT TGX 26640 swap body truck
HoT TGX 26640 semi-trailer truck
HoT TGM 18290 truck with Frigoblock cabbage system
Bulky swap body
1 chamber tank swap body
2 chamber tank swap body
open swap body
Transport swap body (closed)
Timber swap body
Silo swap body
Animal transport swap body
Swap body non-food
Chilled goods swap body with Frigoblock cooling system
Tandem trailer to accommodate swap bodies
Refrigerated semi-trailer with Frigoblock cooling unit
We wish you a lot of fun with this mod and wish you a merry and healthy Christmas!

Credits:San Andreas / HoT online Team



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