FS22 Maps

Maps are game areas in Farming Simulator 22. Each map contains fields and other locations. In FS 22, players will be introduced to two completely new areas. Maps can be explored by tearing off new areas for themselves and making them part of their farm. Thus, exploring the map is one way to expand your farm. You can explore the maps either alone or in multiplayer mode. In Farming Simulator 22 maps give the player complete freedom of choice, so the planning and success of your farm is entirely in your hands!

Agro Azores v1.0 FS22

Agro Azores v1.0 FS22 AgroAçores is a map based on the azores, having a relatively large size. Some of the farm’s objects are redone with new...

Cow Farm v1.0.0.1 FS22

Cow Farm v1.0.0.1 FS22 Welcome to the Cow Farm. V1.0.0.1 I’ve improved the width of the roads! I added the helpers! (BETA) There are new bushes! There are bigger bends! I...

Gariep South Africa FS22 v1.0 FS22

Gariep South Africa FS22 v1.0 FS22 Gariep is a small town in the Orange Free State in South Africa, though the town is small the...

Wielmoża Map v1.0 FS22

Wielmoża Map v1.0 FS22 – 4 multifunctional farm – feeding and bedding in the cowshed – very nice area – QQ silo – new crop skins – purchase of grain –...

Grizzly Mountain v1.0 FS22

Grizzly Mountain v1.0 FS22 Welcome to Grizzly Mountain. Changelog – a gasStation – a Sawmill – a lot of trees – some custom billBoards ...

Pacific NW Farming v1.0.0.2 FS22

Pacific NW Farming v1.0.0.2 FS22 Updated: 31 January 2022 – v1.0.0.2 Pacific NW Farming is loosely based on Yamhill County in Oregon USA. Large fields map...

Maypole Farm v2.1 FS22

Maypole Farm v2.1 FS22 Maypole Farm is a fiction Irish map with all productions available as well as multiple points of sale for grain as...

New Bayleron REDISCOVER v1.0.3 FS22

New Bayleron REDISCOVER v1.0.3 FS22 Mapa V. Another small mistake removed and hopefully last. Unfortunately, you need to start a new game. The card is ready...

Huron County Michigan 16x v1.0 FS22

Huron County Michigan 16x v1.0 FS22 This 16x (8km) map is loosely based on the farms near Bad Axe Michigan. The area has been altered...

Zdziechow Large Fields v1.0 FS22

Zdziechow Large Fields v1.0 FS22 This is the Zdziechow Map and i have make the Field bigger and more grass fields. Map offers: – 5 Villages – 5...

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