Unia Max 4 v1.0 FS22

Unia Max 4 v1.0 FS22 EN: Price: 11.500€ Max. working speed: 15 kph Required power: 120 hp Working width: 4.0 m DE: Preis: 11.500 € Max. Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit: 15 km / h Erforderliche Leistung:...

JTM Stego 485 Pro v1.0 FS22

JTM Stego 485 Pro v1.0 FS22 The JTM Stego 485 Pro is the same silage roller as the base game but compacts the silage much...

Paglia Shop v1.0 FS22

Paglia Shop v1.0 FS22 This mod allows you to buy loose straw in case you haven’t grown yet This mods is fine installed near a barn...

Amazone ZA-TS 3200 v1.0 FS22

Amazone ZA-TS 3200 v1.0 FS22 Amazone ZA TS 3200 with spreading width marking With the “X” key (fold in or out) you can make the marking...

Kinze 4905 Blue Drive Multifruit V 1.0 FS22

Kinze 4905 Blue Drive Multifruit V 1.0 FS22 Hello friends of the FS22, I have taken the largest seeding machine in the LS22, the Kinze...

Citan 15001-C Multi Fruit V 1.0 FS22

Citan 15001-C Multi Fruit V 1.0 FS22 The seed Machine from the game widens by Multi Fruit. The original is from Giants and was adapted by...

Claas FL 140 Edited v1.0 FS22

Claas FL 140 Edited v1.0 FS22 Claas front loader from the Basis Game, with color selection, suitable for the Steyr 8150 SK1 Edit. Price: 10.000€ Needed Power:...

Demco Posi Flow V1.0 FS22

Demco Posi Flow V1.0 FS22 First mod release for fs22. The Demco Posi Flow grain cart pack is now ready for action in 22, fully...

Grimme Conveyor Belt Technology Pack v1.0 FS22

Grimme Conveyor Belt Technology Pack v1.0 FS22 Grimme Loading and Conveyor Pack: Contents: Grimme SL 80-22 Grimme RH 24-60 Features: Volume selectable (from 13,000L-200,000L) Color configuration standard colors Repair interval extended Load weight...

Wheelloader and Telehandler Shovel Pack v1.0 FS22

Wheelloader and Telehandler Shovel Pack v1.0 FS22 Wheel Loader and Telescopic Loader Bucket Pack: Contents: Magsi telescopic loader bucket Magsi high tilt wheel loader bucket Features: Volume selectable (from 5,000L-20,000L) Color...

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