Achtern Diek v3.0 FS22


Achtern Diek v3.0 FS22
Welcome to the aft diek
Small bugs fixed.
Removed some collisions ( Autodrive ).
Map cleaned up again (textures adjusted).
Removed redundant files.
BGA’s on the farms can also be sold.
Rye seed and harvest window now works as well.
Please note the modpack and the link to the autodrive in the map description. ( The current Autodrive will also be published soon !!!
You don’t need a new savegame… That should be it for now. Thank you: for the mostly positive
It is a fictitious 4 x card based on the Lower Saxony 22.
The map has 184 fields, several forests, 14 farms with a farmhouse and
2 farms without a farmhouse.
There are also a number of forest pitches for the tree pushers.
4 biogas plants.
128 high types
Multiterrain Angle
Fruits : spelled clover alfalfa rye millet triticale onions carrots
You start in the single player as a small contractor (you don’t own any land) only farm and lots of machines.
On the map you have to economize !!
Everything on the map except productions is purchased through farmland.
Animals also have a use on the map, you can bring pretty much anything to the butcher shop.
If you want to manage productions, you should rent them, otherwise the building will be deleted from the map when you sell it.
Biogas plants must include one for bale missions !!!
All buildings that you want to demolish have a negative effect, it is displayed in single player and not in multiplayer, but
it is still deducted. This was done because we mappers don’t want to bother creating the yards for nothing.
There are some silos that are marked with the NDS logo, you can drive in clover and alfalfa and make silage from them.
Unfortunately, this does not yet work with MAIZEPLUS.
However, you can use clover hay and alfalfa hay with Maizeplus.
You can play this card with and without MAIZEPLUS.
You need this ModPack. The rest of the mods are loaded from the Modhub when you start the game for the first time.
My colleague has of course already run in Autodrive, see Autodrive
Please note the readme in the zip!
We assume no liability for mods that cause warnings and errors!
The team from NDS – MODDING and LS – SCHLESWIG HOLSTEIN wishes you a lot of fun.
Please be factual in the comments!

Credits:NDS – Modding LS – Schleswig Holstein Danke noch an alle Modder deren Gebäude ich verbaut habe. Danke an Farmer Marco ( FM Modding ) für den Stall .

Tags: Achtern DiekLower SaxonyMAIZEPLUSMultiterrain Angle



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