La Vallée Infernale v1.0.0.1 FS22


La Vallée Infernale v1.0.0.1 FS22

Hello everyone, today I offer you in Dl the maps La Vallée Infernal V1 FS22

vehicle correction
Improved animal system

This map with these crazy decorations make you want to play without limits
It consists of approximately 60 fields, 15 points of sale, and some factories.
You also have 11 placeable zones; it is precision and terraform compatible. The fields are hilly with very steep slopes, and you can make 3 to 4 different farms.
By account, it is not compatible with contract extensions like the better contract, etc.
The remaining traffic has not been finished and lacks a bit of decoration in certain places on this version, but these have already been corrected in future versions.
This map depends on certain mods that I let you download yourself.

Dependent mods: FS22_batiment
